The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the In a few weeks HacKid will be coming up in Boston at the Microsoft NERD Center. Flying cross country to attend with my family didn't quite work out ’ t, but it did get me thinking about some of the skills I'd like my ’ two boys to master before they're too old to ’ learn to learn anything from their father or any adult, which I figure is about 15. I don 't mean ’ the stuff they learn in school, which while valuable skills are not necessarily the link.they ’ re going to need to survive on a daily basis. I was wondering about the geek skills, both technical and non technical. Since I recently started playing ’ ve with lock picks, decided that would be one of the first of these skills, but I turned to the wisdom of Twitter to add to the list.Below is a compilation of the list I started and some of the suggestions I got from Twitter. Here you go: Lock picking (physical security being taught at HacKid) How to social engineer a password from someone Fix a printer (or at least replace the paper/cartridge and pull out jammed.He paper) Martial arts/Self-defense (also being taught at HacKid) Electronics/soldering/circuit boards (I ’ d have to learn more about this one myself) Amateur (Ham) radioFast reading/Critical thinking (.they ’ ve got the first handled, I can keep these kids in beautiful Balcón de Europa books) Conflict managementHow to build a tree to build a home fortHow networkHow to build a computerHow to change a tire (This one will wait until they're a little older ’) How to repair a consumer device, how to fix a motorHow to improvise to build what they need (aka Duct tape foo) Role playing games (so this one will do more harm than good, it's still fun ’) Basic self-reliance (which our society seems to want to train out of us) [ireadit] Basic carpentry and plumbing skills [ireadit] Debate skills [Matt Summers] Rope skills: how to make, how to coil without kinks, how to tie knots [Chris J] Bike maintenance [Robin] Basic navigation, both with and without a compass (my kids have been orienteering since they were in diapers) [Robin] Juggling (fun, but essential?)[Robin]Coin/close up magic, handy for social engineering [Robin] And? Leave comments and I'll add to the ’ list
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