Anecdotal stories have people failing at network marketing at the rate of nine out of every ten. Have you ever wondered why this is so high?
Network marketing is recognized as one of the best ways to do business, yet people tend to fail when it comes to network marketing, especially when it is structured so everybody can piece in the profits.
This makes it even harder to beget that so many people seem to fail when doing network marketing.
You might deem that the anecdotal evidence is too high. There unbiased cannot be a 90% failure rate.
grand has to do with the program you might be interested in. If you are in a program that is being generated on the Internet without any products other than some fraudulent information products then that program will have to fail eventually. So you will fail.
It is the number of failing companies that brings the number up so high overall. In fact, the truth be known, if all the participants who ever entered into some network marketing program were to be counted the rate of failure would probably be closer to 99% due to the many failing startup programs.
In the more old-fashioned, on the ground companies, there have been times when every man and his dog appeared to be interested in some business which they couldn't sing you about over the phone. Interest in business opportunities consume up when people procure their venerable employment or income sources have dried up. Amway becomes the draw out of hard times and people join up in droves only to become a user of some of the products if they haven't given it up all together.
The figures that are often quoted are that Amway have a retention rate of between 15%-30% of fresh distributors. Actually this is not dreadful growth on a yearly basis. Every business would like to be assured of that sort of growth year in and year out.
The highest figures I have heard concerning a retention rate of modern distributors for the second year is a health company, which I will not name unless you personally contact me. This company's retention rate is around 50% each year. These figures are impressive.
Some of the reasons people leave this company are:
The people were in it for the money only.
The people were unable to convince others to consume the product.
The people were unethical in their dealings
The people were not truly fervent in other people
The people were not able to find on with their upline
The people were unwilling to learn about the product
The people were not willing to learn about business principles
The people were not willing to learn more about themselves
The people were easily influenced by other people and left the program
The people did not have a moral appreciation of the value of optimal health
These reasons are also the reasons why people leave any company. There are other reasons for people leaving network marketing companies besides those that are mentioned here. But it is reassuring to know that there are companies that have a higher retention rate of members than what anecdotal evidence suggests. These are the kind of company you should join.
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